
The Lost Little Sheep


The first is about a sheep gone missing
The Shepherd led, but it wasn’t listening

As the Shepherd’s voice got further away
The sheep got distracted and went astray

Running and playing and eating its food
It was totally clueless until a cow moo’d

Startled and scared, it looked up and around
But no sheep or Shepherd could be found

The sheep was in the wilderness and all alone
Where o where is the Shepherd’s tone

It never intended to get so distracted
Now there’s consequences to the way it acted

Fear and doubt welled up inside
Now it looks for a place to hide

It wandered away from the Shepherds care
And now got caught in the devil’s snare

The first is about a sheep gone missing
The Shepherd led, but it wasn’t listening

As the Shepherd’s voice got further away
The sheep got distracted and went astray

Running and playing and eating its food
It was totally clueless until a cow moo’d

Startled and scared, it looked up and around
But no sheep or Shepherd could be found

The sheep was in the wilderness and all alone
Where o where is the Shepherd’s tone

It never intended to get so distracted
Now there’s consequences to the way it acted

Fear and doubt welled up inside
Now it looks for a place to hide

It wandered away from the Shepherds care
And now got caught in the devil’s snare

Trembling and shaking, it’s a panic attack
It knows it’s lost, but not how to get back

Is this the end for the poor little fellow
He starts to cry and let’s out a bellow

Back at the Shepherd who’s counting His sheep
Ninety eight, ninety nine…He jumps up with a leap.

One has gone missing, it’s not with the rest
Apart from Me, how can it be blessed

What will He do, there’s no need to guess
He leaves the ninety nine in the wilderness

The Shepherd takes off in a full sprint run
Out in search for the lost little one

Around the bushes and through the trees
Over the mountains and down valleys

The Shepherd is calling in a voice so clear
For the one lost sheep He deems so dear

The character of the Shepherd is so kind
All this effort for one lost sheep to find

On the lookout for the one that is lost
The Shepherd will find it, no matter the cost

There it is! The Shepherd can see
And now He sets the little one free

It feels guilt and shame for how it behaved
But the Shepherd smiles, now you are saved

Then He sings a song to rejoice
And the sheep is delighted to hear His voice

On His shoulder the sheep is laid
It does not matter that it disobeyed

This little one so precious to Him
Is why He risked life and limb

The Shepherd returns, He carried His sheep
Back to the fold and into His keep

He calls to all His neighbors and friends
For a party invitation that He extends

I lost my sheep, but now it is found
Let’s have the biggest party around

Joy is in heaven over one sinner to repent
More than the other ninety-nine percent

This is the story of the lost little sheep
Salvation is free, but it didn’t come cheap

That concludes the first parable
It’s a happy ending and that’s incredible


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