Daniel Cramton

Daniel Cramton was born and raised in Northern California. In school, he always hated English, but seemed to have a knack for word nuances and communicating thoughts on paper. He placed in the top 2% on the Golden State Exam for written composition in High School, but never dreamed of being an author. In college, he pursued technology until God altered his course and he transferred to a Christian college where he met his wife, Anabel. God has been the glue that has held them together and He is their delight. They have two children, Ana’Lee and Malachi. While his kids were young, Daniel found it hard to find quality, Biblical based, Christian books. But it wasn’t until his wife kept sharing a comic book he had made for her valentine’s day gift that the idea of writing a children’s book took root.

He decided to tell the gospel story in rhyme and began writing lines during his lunch break at work. As an artist himself, he took great care selecting the line artist and color artist and has spent many revisions working with the team making things look just right. Daniel wants the project for the Lord to be epic with everyone doing their very best for God. His prayer is that the books will bring each reader and listener closer to the Lord and more secure in His love. God has given him a talent and he desires to make use of it in many future projects. Your support is greatly appreciated. (Numbers 6:24-26)

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