
Seeking the Lost: Sheep

The first is about a sheep gone missing
The Shepherd led, but it wasn’t listening

As the Shepherd’s voice got further away
The sheep got distracted and went astray

Running and playing and eating its food
It was totally clueless until a cow moo’d

Startled and scared, it looked up and around
But no sheep or Shepherd could be found

The sheep was in the wilderness and all alone
Where o where is the Shepherd’s tone

It never intended to get so distracted
Now there’s consequences to the way it acted

Fear and doubt welled up inside
Now it looks for a place to hide.

Coming Soon

Seeking the Lost: Coin

This is the second story of three
With similarities I’m sure you’ll agree

There once was a woman who lived in her home
She answered the door and said, Shalom

Come in, come in, she said to her neighbors
Let me tell you about all of my labors

Today started out so bright and sunny
Because I had ten pieces of money

I stacked them up on the table right here
I never thought one would disappear

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